
 “It’s not just the Coca-Cola decor or original soda fountain up front that create the homey feel. The customer service is a big part of it, too. It’s a throwback to 1946, the year Carroll “Doc” and Frances Bell took over the old Melton & Mosby Drug Store on Route 56.” – From the CourierPress article “Highways & Byways” 3.19.07

“The wooden blades of two fans spun lazily from the tin ceiling as the staff at Bell’s Drug Store in Sebree, Ky., took a one-hour lunch break. “It’s like a step back in time,” pharmacist Donna Adams said of the business run by the Bell’s. “We all seem like family that work here.”
From the CourierPress article “Highways & Byways” 3.19.07

fortune scale pharmacy antique

  1. Doris D Jones

    Jimmie Ray, we all so appreciate your service for mother. She is in Deaconnes downtown with a really serious infection (MERSA was the first diagnosis) but since then we’ve had
    more docors involved, including your distant relative, Dr. Bell. The results will not be in
    until Tues or Wed. Joan is there with here during the day. Call Dennis if you want more

    Thanks from all of us, Doris….

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